Hey savvy leaders! Here we are for episode 49! Thank you so much for tuning in and letting me be part of your journey.

Today we’re talking about clarity. Your clarity. The undeniable, crystal clear, unwavering, and purely transparent clarity for yourself and what you’re really going after.

You can find the full transcript of this episode at crazybigdreams.biz/49.

I was working with a client and I asked her “What is the single most critical thing you need to know right now that would help you achieve your top goal?” She said “Clarity on what I’m really going after.”

I have a dear lifelong friend, who told me once, in a very blunt way, “there’s no excuse for not knowing what you want.” Ouch! Right!?! It stopped me in my tracks. I never had anyone say that to me before. And he is a dear and caring friend. So I know he was saying it with compassion in a supportive way.

Just as I’m sharing with you now, with all my compassion and support. There is no excuse for not knowing what you want. And I’m here to walk you through the steps that will help you gain that clarity.

Please know there are valid reasons we may not be crystal clear on this. It’s incredibly common. It’s simply not a fun place to be stuck in. Each of us can do the work to determine just what it is we truly want, with clarity. It’s often not something we solve on our own.

First, know that the reasons you’re not clear on what you’re really going after aren’t relevant right now. You don’t have to know how or why you got here to be able to take steps to move forward and get clarity. Yay! Right?!

It’s incredibly helpful to have an opportunity just like this. Someone to walk you through a few strategies to get you started and thinking in the right direction. You’re in good hands. Stick around.

First things first you have to know what you value. I know this seems like a big, ambiguous topic. But it’s crucial. Your personal values are your compass. They can guide you, your decisions, how you spend your time, what you say yes to and what you say no to. It’s a non-negotiable for me that you know your personal core values.

It’s also easy to adopt values that come with important roles in your life. Businesswoman, partner, spouse, parent. Don’t let these roles overshadow and represent your personal values as an individual.

I’m asking you to know your very own personal values. The ones that are important to you as an individual. I know, It’s so tricky, right?! Distinguishing between ourselves and the important roles we fulfill.

I have a super fun exercise I take my clients through to help them determine their personal values. It’s a good start here if you simply spend some time, quiet time, asking yourself what it is that you value. What’s important to you?

Second, allow yourself to dream beyond your direct sales business. There. I said it. You have permission. Maybe what you’re really going after isn’t directly related to your direct sales business. A rank or territory or promotion. Maybe it’s not about volume or the size of your team.

Maybe, what you’re really going after will be fueled by your business. All of these are goals and stepping stones to get you toward what you’re really going after. Maybe what you’re truly going after will complement your business growth.

And maybe it has nothing to do with your products or services or your direct sales business success.

What you’re really going after is something you know, that if you don’t pursue, if you don’t go for it, you’ll always wonder. What if?

What you’re really going after is something so undeniably fulfilling that when you think about it, you can’t help but smile. You feel an energy through your body and you simply can’t stay sitting down. If you were actively pursuing it, it would give you a new spring in your step and you would bound out of bed every morning.

You know what? In pursuit of it, your business will grow leaps and bounds. And maybe what you’re really going after is exactly about your direct sales business. Great! Because those milestones are easy to identify. They are offered by your company.

Many leaders get wrapped up in developing other leaders, they get so busy working in their business. They look up and one day realize they got pulled away from working on their own business and going after what they really want for themselves. So common friends! This happens all the time. It’s sort of a good problem because it happens taking care of a growing team.

Third and finally, it’s ok if you can’t name it yet or if you have so many things you really want you can’t pick just one.

If you can’t put your finger on just what it is that you’re really going after it’s ok. Trust that if you stay with the work of figuring it out, it will come. Remember, knowing what isn’t important gets you that much closer to determining what is.

It’s also ok if you have so many different things that come to you that there’s no way to pick just one right now. This tends to be me. For sure. Is this you too?

It’s crucial that you give yourself time to identify that one true thing. At least the one true thing you really want to go after next. This doesn’t mean you can’t pursue the others. But the fox who chases two rabbits catches neither. Have you heard that? Let’s have clarity on one thing at a time.

Lastly, don’t stop until you get clarity on what you’re really going after. Only you can know and only you can do the work. I’m here to support you and guide you.

It can be helpful to pull this episode up and take the powerful questions out to give yourself journal prompts to continue this work.

You can find the full transcript of this episode at crazybigdreams.biz/49.

 Let’s connect over on Instagram @yourcrazybigdreams. I would love to hear where your clarity is right now on what you’re really going after. 1 to 10. 10 is high and 1 is low. Where’s your clarity? Drop it over in the comments @yourcrazybgidreams.

The best is yet to come. Always.