Meet Tammy Meyer, Success Strategist

You persistently built your business, working even when you didn’t feel like it.

You created a flexible lifestyle for your family.

But lasting success depends on your team, which means you have to lead strategically. You do your best to help them reach their own dreams. If they were at their best they would be more independent giving you more time for family and travel.

That’s where I come in.

After twenty years in leadership positions I started my own coaching business. To grow, I tried group courses. They weren’t individualized to target my needs so I stayed at the same level.

My real business success came when I finally hired a business coach to help me build my entrepreneurial dream.

Now it’s your turn for support.

I created Crazy Big Dreams
to help top women in direct sales like you
to transfer belief and resilience to your team
by becoming a more savvy leader.

Who you’ve been to get where you are
is not who you’ll need to become
to get where you’re going.

Tammy’s Background and Credentials

When not helping women excel as leaders, Tammy enjoys Hawaiian life on Oahu with her husband and young son.

She is passionate about her personal development and daily yoga practice.

Meet Tammy Meyer, Success Strategist