It’s episode 36 friends! I’m so excited to talk today about dreaming again! This is everything I’ve built my business around. After all, I literally named my business “Crazy Big Dreams”.

It embodies what I think is so important in work and life. The main reason this is the name of my business is that I know you’ve had crazy big dreams for yourself along your direct sales business journey. And more than that, you want the women on your team to not only dream crazy big dreams for themselves but to go out and make it happen!

You know it’s possible!

Let Yourself Dream Again as a High Achiever in Direct Sales

Today, I want you to check in with yourself on what crazy big dreams you have for yourself and your business. I also want you to check in to see IF you’re still dreaming and if those dreams are CRAZY big enough.

Look, this business of mine, serving high achieving women in direct sales to become savvier leaders and to transfer belief and resilience to their teams, it is the manifestation of a crazy big dream I had for myself. It felt unlikely, so far out there, unreachable, crazy for sure, and frankly just too good to be true.

I already had a successful business serving CEOs and CFOs and rising entrepreneurs. It was wonderful. And I worked incredibly hard to build it and serve my clients. After more than a decade, I felt this unmet need. This need to be more creative. To answer a calling I hadn’t yet answered with my experience and passion.

I did a lot of work to uncover how to start fresh and to determine who I was meant to serve. I am inspired every day by the work that my high-achieving clients accomplish. The respect I have for this type of entrepreneur is unmatched.

It’s remarkable the sacrifice, the drive, the passion you have. It’s contagious. And I felt called to serve high-achieving women in direct sales and surround myself with your ambition.

Here we are. I’m living out my crazy big dream with this very business of granting your crazy big dreams! I am blessed. It’s been a remarkable journey and I am so grateful you’re here.

Now, let’s check in with your crazy big dreams. Have you stopped dreaming along the way? It can be easy to get pulled into working in your business. What do I mean by this? It’s the minutia of the day-to-day. The issues. The products. The results. The incentives. The client care. The mentorship. Keeping everything running.

The Importance of Working ON Your Direct Sales Business vs IN It

The flip side of working in your business is working on your business. It’s taking a step back or a step away and breathing life into the vision and the crazy big dreams you have for yourself and your team.

Don’t panic when I mention taking a step back or a step away. By this I simply mean using intentional time, even 30 minutes throughout your week, to think, dream, and cast a vision.

When you do this, it’s important to put yourself in an environment that allows your mind to feel free. Maybe that’s being outside. Just sitting. Maybe you’re taking a walk or you’re on a hike. Maybe you’re on a run.

It could be sitting in your favorite coffee shop or one you’ve never been to before. Strolling through a museum. Or going somewhere in your local community you’ve never been before to get inspiration.

The goal is to pull yourself out of your normal day-to-day surroundings and responsibilities. I promise a short amount of time can make an incredible difference.

Of course, it’s important to set your phone aside during this time. It’s only 30 minutes out of your entire week. You can do it!

Four Strategies When You Declare Your Crazy Big Direct Sales Dreams

When you take this time to check in ask yourself two questions and then use my 4 strategies to help carry this forward.

Please take time and thought to find your most honest answer. The first question is simple. It’s a yes or no response.

Question number 1 “Are you still dreaming crazy big dreams for yourself and for your business?” Yes or No? Be honest.

Question number 2 will take more time and consideration. I have four strategies to help you with your answer.

Question number 2 “What are your crazy big dreams for you and for your business?”

When you’re allowing yourself to be in an intentional space to let crazy big dreams come to you use these four strategies:

Strategy Number One – you don’t need anyone else’s permission or agreement on what your dreams are. Period. You don’t have to run them by anyone or get anyone’s validation or approval. This can be difficult for some of us when we are used to questioning ourselves, especially in areas that well, feel crazy, and aren’t tangible yet. Trust yourself.

Strategy number Two- Truly let yourself dream big. Bigger than you ever have before. What’s so preposterous, so over the top, feels so unlikely, and beyond. Really out of the box here.

Let your mind wander. Let every idea come to you. Don’t squash anything that comes to mind. You don’t have to commit to every idea that’s sparked. Let one idea lead to the next and the next until you have crazy options to run with. Now you’re getting closer.

Strategy number Three – if your crazy big dreams involve anything related to a number, add a plus sign after. This strategy is so important! By not adding the plus sign, you’re limiting yourself. You’re not “crazy-big” dreaming. You’re just dreaming. Which is a start. But you’re not here to simply set goals and dream. You’re here to dream CRAZY BIG dreams.

Allow space for the plus, the more, the even bigger. If your number is around income, earnings, savings, investing, number of team members, number of team members at a certain rank, number of vacation homes, number of events you host, number of miles you run, number of pounds you want to lift or lose, you name it. If it has a number add a plus.

And finally, four, stop judging yourself. All of the high achievers I work with have crazy big dreams for their team members. They want everything and more for their emerging leaders. Go ahead and set a dreamer example for them. It is not selfish to declare crazy big dreams for yourself or for your own personal business. It’s not.

Let that judgment on yourself go. It doesn’t serve anyone. You’re here to dream crazy big dreams again!

Once you’ve applied these strategies ask yourself this: “If you knew with certainty that your crazy big dream would be realized, what would you go after?”

Now go make it happen!

And click over to Instagram @yourdcrazybigdreams and share one of your dreams with us! Let’s see who has the craziest dream out there!

The best is yet to come, friend. Always!