Hi savvy leaders! Welcome to episode 39 Do you have the number one leadership strength high achievers in direct sales need?  

This strength embodies several other strengths that high achievers in Direct Sales need for a  growing and successful team. 

Honestly, this topic about strengths is one I take seriously and I’m very careful with. A big chunk of my VIP client experience is catered to strengths. Discovering them, owning them, and applying them. 

We all have strengths and we all have strengths that we each live out in our own unique way. That’s what makes you uniquely you as a leader for your team vs another person leading her team. 

For example, the strength of positivity. How one leader expresses this and when and how she pulls her team into a positive culture can look and feel very different from how the next leader may use her strength of positivity to lead her team. 

The Number One Strength High Achiever in Direct Sales Need

The number one strength this episode is about however is empathy. That’s right. Empathy. Empathy is being able to have a sense of someone else’s thoughts and feelings. It’s the ability to help someone else feel understood, and to refrain from judgment. 

See, to be empathetic you have to have three things in place. 

One, you also have to be a good listener. 

Two you also have to be a good communicator.

Three you have to have someone that receives your empathy. 

If you express sincere empathy, there has to be another person to receive it. Or it’s not a strength anyone would know you have and you’re utilizing. No one would know you have empathy if there’s not another person to receive it. Do you see the reciprocal nature of this strength?

Empathy is the number one strength I hear high-achieving leaders self-identify with (in so many words). 

I would argue that you most certainly do have empathy and that you exercise it as a high-achieving leader because you have the team that you do. 

You’re a people person. Women love to be around you because you get them. They feel included, understood, and connected when they are with you and the people you bring together. 

I would also argue that you’re a good listener. That’s how you pick up on how someone’s feeling and what she’s thinking even if she doesn’t have the words to communicate it. 

You’re also likely a very good communicator because you help bring all of this together by helping others feel understood and doing so with a judgment-free approach. 

How To Impact Your Direct Sales Team Culture

All of this creates a culture for your team. Empathy is also the number one leadership strength for high-achieving leaders because its impact on team culture is so powerful. It’s inclusive, it’s contagious in the best of ways, and it sets a tone. This is how we support one another. 

So, I’m confident you have empathy, you’re a good listener, and a good communicator, and have built a team culture around this. 

Are you confident in this as well? Do you feel it? Are you consciously recognizing, in the moment, when you’re being empathetic? Yes, let it come naturally, but also be aware. Own it. Let it be contagious and feel the culture of your team solidify even stronger. 

Click over to Instagram @yourcrazybigdreams and share one word that describes the culture of your team! 

The best is yet to come, friend! Always.