Do you think about wealth differently than money? Today I’m going to ask you to check-in with yourself on wealth vs money. As crazy big dreamers, we’re not going to limit ourselves by stopping at a money mindset. We’re here to go after wise wealth.
Before we’re done I’m going to share four important points about what it means to have wisdom around your future wealth.
How a Money Mindset can Limit You in Your Social Selling Business.
There’s so much chatter about money mindset. I’ve even heard this referred to as people either have a “good” or “bad” money mindset. This judgement-based approach can be limiting in itself.
The definition of mindset is basically ‘the established set of attitudes held by someone’.
To label your mindset around money isn’t the goal. Your mindset is your mindset. It simply is. Because it’s a set of attitudes, good news, it can be changed.
The foundation of our money mindset was deeply seeded when we were young.
Our mindset today is influenced by the adults in our life that raised us and their money mindset. It’s unavoidable. Whether your parents and influencing adults in your life had beliefs about money that you agree with, or disagree with, you were still influenced by their money mindset, their thoughts & their beliefs.
How they felt about earning money, saving, spending, investing, giving, and beyond, you likely have your current money mindset because of theirs. Whether it’s the same, completely different, or a mix of the two, it has influenced how you approach your beliefs about money today.
Maybe you still hold onto those beliefs or have come to accept that you can keep what works for you and let the rest go by creating your own money mindset.
Maybe you have thoughts around money that don’t serve your future wealth scenario. This isn’t bad, it’s simply time to be enlightened.
Money vs. Wealth in Your Social Selling Business
I’m here to challenge you to think about Wise Wealth instead of stopping at a money mindset. Sure, your money mindset is helpful to be aware of. But money is simply a currency. It’s what we exchange for goods and services.
Yet being wise about your wealth will in turn help shape your mindset about money in a way that serves you now and into the future.
When you think about wealth (vs money), it brings up a whole bunch of different thoughts. Doesn’t it? For me, I immediately think about future financial security and opportunities. Not just next month or next year, but for years to come.
I think well beyond the lifestyle I want for my family in the short term. I think about generations ahead, my kiddo and hopefully grand kiddos one day. I think about how to make a difference in the community I live in. I think about leaving the world a better place.
You may think of wealth as success. Success to some means happiness, health, thriving relationships, or a certain lifestyle.
Financial Freedom for Women in Social Selling
Today we’re going to narrow our focus to financial wealth because I know your top goals include not only financial freedom for yourself but to have more leaders on your team enjoy financial freedom as well.
To have financial freedom is to be wise about your wealth. To think beyond money. Because you’re a high-achieving woman with a successful social selling business, you likely have earned more than you ever thought you really would or could when you first started out.
Yes, you likely knew what was possible, but for your personal earnings, you maybe didn’t see how your family would literally be blessed today.
Going forward, I’m inviting you to dream crazy big dreams about your future wealth. To get there, let’s touch on what’s happening today for you. If you’re not already crystal clear about every dollar coming in and every dollar going out, you need to be.
I know, we tend to have roles, and maybe you hand things over to a partner, accountant, and/or advisor. That’s fine if that works for you. Keep doing what works.
But in addition, if you’re not also tuned into what’s happening with your finances, both current and future, and why, I recommend you get more involved to a level where you do know. However that looks for you.
I cover more about this in my next episode, episode 5, Does Every FUTURE dollar have a job?
Getting involved is important because the more you know, the more ownership and drive you’ll have, to do what your business requires, in order to realize the crazy big dreams that you know are possible for the future of your business and your team.
If you’re already handling everything and completely in the know, great. Take a moment to feel validated in those efforts, let go of that consideration “should I hand this over”. I say, stay with it. Stay as involved as you are.
And then adopt a wise wealth mindset beyond what you maybe have already.
So what does it mean to be wise about your wealth? Let’s break it down into
Four Ways to Check your Wealth Wisdom in Your Social Selling Business.
First, understand that earnings don’t equate to wealth. We can earn a lot, more than we ever thought was possible for us, and still have debt, live beyond our means, incur plenty of unnecessary late fees, have unused memberships we keep paying for because we simply haven’t canceled them, and… you get the picture.
Second, be proud of what you’ve already accomplished with your financial wealth but don’t get overly comfortable. Regardless of how far you’ve come in your business and how far you’ve come financially, you are ambitious, driven, capable, and simply not done yet.
You want to work with engaged leaders and help them realize their crazy big dreams.
You have dreams for your own business and family. Let’s breathe some fresh, new, life into what’s possible for you and for them.
Third, if you’ve already cast a vision for your future wealth in bold colors and vivid detail, go back to what you’ve created, take a fresh new look at it when you’re done listening here and check in with your vision.
Did you cast your vision with only a money mindset or can you take your vision to another level with wise wealth as your new focus?
Make it crazy big! Make sure it captures the wealth goals you have for yourself and your family for generations to come. Capture your team within this crazy big vision. Get it on paper if it isn’t already and take a minute to review it with wise wealth in mind.
And finally, fourth, think far enough ahead about your future wealth that what you accomplish this year, is only one small short-term yet necessary piece of your wealth equation. You know all too well the ups and downs of this business.
Cast a far enough vision for the future and then work backward from there. Remember, future financial wealth is all about opportunity and possibility. Don’t limit yourself. After all, the best is yet to come! Always.