Hey there! Welcome to episode 56! Hands down, one of the single most frequent desires I hear from successful direct sales leaders is
“If I could just transfer my belief to her. If I could just get her to believe the way I believe in her. I know she can do this and succeed. How do I do that?”
Well, today’s episode is about one strategy to help you do this; Transfer belief to your emerging leaders.
Transferring your belief happens with 3 key areas of focus. Today we’re focusing on one of these three. I cover ALL three key focuses, and so much more, in my freebie: 4 Step Success Process To Help Transfer Belief And Resilience To Your Team By Becoming A Savvier Leader.
If you don’t yet have my freebie, you can grab it directly from the bottom of the home page here at crazybigdreams.biz.
The key strategy we’re focusing on today is a two-step process. You first have to identify your team member’s challenge area. She may have just a few or several, but as her mentor and leader, it’s your opportunity to identify the one that’s holding her back right now. The biggest one. The one that, when she addresses it, will open up the most results for her.
It’s important you identify what this is because it could be anything. It’s important to get it right. I’ll give you three common challenge areas. These are identifying priorities, consistency, and choices.
Yeah, I know, those are big ones. But this episode is about helping you as the leader you are with a strategy to help her through this. It’s simple. It’s not always easy.
Step one identify her challenge.
Step two invite her to move forward.
How do you do that? With direct language. Direct language is incredibly powerful. At the right time with the right person, it can be more beneficial than an open-ended powerful question. And if you’ve been here at the Crazy Big Dreams podcast for even a bit, you’ll know I love to arm you with good, powerful, open-ended questions.
Here’s how direct language can sound. It may go a little something like this (of course, in language that’s your own):
“Right now, Alicia, you’re challenged by consistency. You know what to do. You’re simply not in action consistently enough to build forward movement.”
And then you would follow it up with something like “Does that sound right?”
Do you hear how this is direct? You’re simply naming what’s going on with as few words as possible. And then you’re asking her if you’ve got it right. Does she agree? If not, then she will lead you to where she does feel she is stuck. Great. Go from there.
Typically, you’ll be right on. By asking the question, “Does that sound right?” you get buy-in and agreement on her part so you’re both on the same page and can move forward from there.
Step two: Invite her to move forward. It’s an invitation. She can accept or not. But the responsibility is on her part. She has to be responsible for her own actions. You can’t do it for her. I know you know this.
This is also where you pass the belief you have in her directly to her. It can sound something like this.
“Alicia, I have complete confidence that you can be consistent. If you want that, the results will follow. Let’s focus on the behaviors that lead to consistency and together we’ll celebrate the results that come from it. Deal?”
When she says yes then you can offer this:
“Ok, let’s come up with a variety of 3 to 5 different things you can choose from each day. Do just one. Each day. We’ll check in every day and at the end of the week see where we’re at.”
It’s important that the 3 to 5 things she can do each day have her buy-in, and they also vary in time commitment. It will be ideal if they are her ideas. You can offer some too. Come up with more than 5 and then settle on the ones she chooses.
This is just one simple example. You have so many more. I’m giving you this so you can feel and hear how transferring your belief is about being in it with her. You’re not doing the work for her. You can’t. No one can.
For her to feel like she’s not in it alone, that she’s working side-by-side and that you’re in it together is how she can be supported and receive the belief you have in her.
To recap, the two steps are to identify her challenge and invite her to move forward. Do this by using direct language. This is the formula. You can use it over and over again with different team members or with the same team member but on a different challenge area.
She’ll feel incredibly supported and she’ll adopt that belief you have in her. She will know you have her back and you’re going to see this through with her. You believe in her and you’re not going anywhere.
Try this on for size and connect with us over on Instagram @yourcrazybigdreams.
For the other two strategies on transferring belief to your emerging leaders grab my freebie The 4 Step Success Process To Help Transfer Belief And Resilience To Your Team By Becoming A Savvier Leader. Simply click over to the home page right here at crazybigdreams.biz
The best is yet to come! Always.