Infobesity is quite simply just as it sounds. Too much information. It can steal your focus, in turn, negatively impacting your results. If you’re overwhelmed by infobesity or if you’ve ever questioned how to stay ahead of leading your team with a consistent focus this episode is for you.
Let’s cover how to not let infobesity steal your focus or impact results negatively in your network marketing business.
So many of us have had a fear of missing out on something. Especially when there is so much information out there about so many things, events, & people.
Top Women in Network Marketing Have Unstoppable Focus for Rank Advancement
But all too often I hear from top women in network marketing that they don’t so much have a social fear of missing out as they do about missing out on something related to their business or keeping up with their clients & team.
I know you’ve experienced the powerful, business-changing results of unwavering focus. When you’ve been completely dialed in to the way ahead, you stayed the course, and you didn’t let anything stop you.
Maybe it was a personal goal, rank advancement, or incentive trip, and maybe it was working with your key leaders on similar achievements of their own.
When you apply this level of focus, you can accomplish anything. You’re unstoppable. People are drawn to you. Your energy is contagious. Relationships form with ease. You simply feel lighter going about your days. Your actions have forward momentum.
However, infobesity can easily steal our focus. It can make it difficult to even determine your focus. Certainly, sticking with a focus that gives lasting results can be challenging when we’re overwhelmed with information overload.
There are so many gurus out there with the latest secret. There are countless people to follow to see what they’re doing or how they’re doing it.
Infobesity is fueled by social media, the news, (however you take it in), podcasts, your company, your mentors, your team, even t.v. in the form of entertainment contributes to infobesity.
It seems many storylines in popular shows or hosts have to weigh in on what’s happening in the world. We’re getting their viewpoints and opinions as well. It can be overwhelming. It’s infobesity for sure. And it can be a real challenge to turn off.
Especially when you rely on technology to stay in touch with friends, family & your team, not to mention to run your business.
Four Strategies to Manage Infobesity in Your Network Marketing Business
Let’s cover my four strategies on how you can manage infobesity, get focused, and stay the path to business-changing results for both you and your team.
First, know how to recognize if infobesity is taking over your network marketing business or even your personal wellness.
Infobesity can also have an impact on your physical and mental well-being, not just your business results. When infobesity takes over, we may feel easily distracted, have thoughts that jump from topic to topic, feel overwhelmed, anxious, doubtful, or unable to focus.
If you’re experiencing these things on a regular basis, check in with your intake of information.
Second, guard your input. Decide where you will get your information and when. Don’t let headlines, your social media feed, or people that don’t know what results you’re after dictate what information you take in or when. You get to decide.
It may be time to take inventory on the sources you get your information. We have total influence over this. I know, it’s difficult to not get pulled in so many directions.
Third, get crystal clear on your focus. I dedicated Ep 2 – One Single Powerful Guide for Your Direct Sales Biz to this topic.
Episode 2 is a great episode to start off on getting clear with your focus. You can listen in and find the full transcript at This episode gives you five simple steps to help unlock your focus.
When your focus is determined you have clarity on what information will serve your path to results. Without a focus, all information can pull you in any direction.
Fourth, when it comes to business-related information, take in only the information that serves your chosen focus and path to results, especially on social media.
You have to apply a filter every time you’re exposed to information that can enhance your focus or pull you away from it. Courses, podcasts, who you follow, opportunities your company offers, invitations, networking opportunities.
So much of what we do (having moved to the virtual space) makes it easy to say yes to things that may not be aligned with our focus.
Using a filter can take some practice. You’ll have to pause. You’ll have to get in a new habit of using discernment. The reward is completely worth it.
Managing infobesity allows you to lead your team of network marketers while confidently knowing how and where to direct your leadership focus. You’ll contribute to their journey in a meaningful way.
Let’s recap the 4 tips:
- Recognize when infobesity is taking over.
2. Guard your input of information.
3. Get clear on your focus.
4. Take in only the information that serves your focus and the path leading to your desired business results.
Managing infobesity with these 4 strategies will get you back to that place where you’re feeling unstoppable. Your contagious, positive, energy will keep drawing people to you. Relationships will organically come together.
You’ll feel the forward momentum of your actions. Your focus will be unwavering. Imagine how this will impact your emerging leaders, in turn, setting an example for their leadership focus.
So go claim your focus! Manage the infobesity out there. And if you found value in this message today, hop over to Instagram @yourcrazybigdreams and tag a savvy leader you feel would also benefit. Then be prepared, because the best is yet to come. Always.