Hey savvy leaders! We’re here for episode 67. Mentor Your Direct Sales Team To “Set It And Forget It”.  What do I mean by this? Well, it’s all about results and growing your team. Today I’ll give you one of my best strategies for results!

Set it and forget it is referring to goals and outcomes, dreams or desires, bucket lists, and targets. How ever you and your team identify what you’re working to achieve you’ll want to mentor them to ‘set it and forget It’.

Setting goals and knowing what you want out of your business is, well, easy. At least easier for you than it is for many of your team members. They simply don’t know yet what they are capable of or the results their journey will lead them to. Right? Maybe you didn’t either at first.

Sure, you all know what’s possible. Yet specific accomplishments will vary for everyone. And sometimes there are team members that really surprise you, right?!

And the one’s you totally anticipate will kill it and be one of your top leaders, sometimes don’t end up performing that way. It’s all good.

But basically, you can’t predict what any one team member will actually accomplish.

What you can do is help them set goals and outcomes and then help them forget them. Of course, you’ll revisit their progress and celebrate huge when they do reach milestones and goals. But along the way, when they’re doing the work, help them focus on their behaviors vs outcomes.

Because you know if they simply focus on what they’re doing day to day, with a consistent focus, and never give up, the outcome will be there. It’s waiting for them! Right?! But shifting a focus from behaviors to outcomes is key!

How you do this as a mentor is to shift your recognition, rewards, and celebrations to their behaviors. You’ll want to set behavior goals and then celebrate as they get accomplished. How you track this and if you use an honor system will simply depend on the activity and behavior.

But you get to choose how you want to mentor. This is a number one strategy for shifting your team’s focus and truly growing your team.

The outcomes and results are secondary.

The behaviors they create with consistency are what you want to teach, design together, celebrate, and reward!

This can be a major ‘aha’ moment for many high-achieving direct sales leaders. The big difference is the focus on celebrating and rewarding behaviors more than outcomes. You’ll still celebrate the rank advancements and top sales and the trips that are earned.

In addition, with much greater frequency, you’ll celebrate and reward the behaviors along the way.

Think about it this way. If someone is working on their health and fitness and have a weight loss goal, she would set a goal of how many pounds she wanted to lose (the outcome goal). It’s then important to set it aside and forget that number.

She would also set a goal of how many ounces of water to drink every day. Maybe what her nutrition will look like every day. Maybe how many steps she’ll move to accomplish every day.

And then create a reward system to celebrate each day she accomplishes one or all of these things. Does that make sense?

So for your team, you may break it down into different daily or weekly behaviors. The day-to-day efforts that you know will lead them to results. And, it’s helpful to have a variety of behaviors for your team to engage with, track, and celebrate.

There will always be some common activities that everyone focuses on, but how can you get creative with your particular company and what you offer?

Where can you work outside the norm to have more fun, and mentor your team to build their business their own way? What connects with one person may not get another very excited. Options are awesome. Have fun with what you want to reward and celebrate.

I can’t wait to hear how you take this strategy and run with it. What are some ways you’re already doing this? What have you been inspired to implement after listening today?

Click over to Instagram @yourcrazybigdreams and let me know!

I can’t wait to connect!

The best is yet to come. Always.