Hi leaders! This is episode 69. A Direct Sales Leaders Antidote To Overthinking.
Ok. Can we overthink things, or what? Are you an overthinker? Ugh. I totally am an overthinker at times. The rabbit holes we take ourselves down sometimes. Right?! Well, we’re in good company. It’s a thing. And I guarantee you have emerging leaders on your team that are skilled at overthinking.
The problem with this, well, it’s many, but one problem is it doesn’t matter what we might be overthinking. It stops us in our tracks. We get stuck. We get in our heads and can’t move forward or can’t keep moving forward.
In this episode, I’m sharing the powerful strategy, your antidote to overthinking. Let’s make sure you’re not missing one important piece.
Your antidote to overthinking is simplicity. I’ll say it again. Simplicity. It’s that simple! Ha. Simplicity is the opposite of complexity. It’s the opposite of intricate or complicated, or a burden.
Simplicity is the opposite of what we bring about when we overthink anything.
Two strategies to keep in mind here.
The first is the one important piece I want to ensure you’re not missing here. And that is, what is simple for you may not be simple for an emerging leader. What you view as simplicity may not be what she views as simple.
And this is an important difference to get in touch with. Because if you’re mentoring and guiding with action steps and accountability or systems, really any tools you may give your team, they may not be simple for them.
For example, so many in direct sales use social media to do their business. For someone who has solely used social media for anything but this is not always simple. I know this is hard to wrap your mind around.
But you’ve seen how some new team members go about social media in a way that’s not the most effective.
When we’re embracing simplicity, we have to find out what is simple for her. She needs quick, consistent wins. I’m not saying do what’s easy, but do what’s not complicated.
This brings me to my second strategy. Ask her. Ask her what she views as simple. Use this question to quickly get to what is simple for her.
“If we’re focused on what you can do that feels simple for you, what is that?”
Let her give you the answer to how you can mentor her. How you can help her. She’ll uncover exactly what is not complicated. She’ll share what comes simply to her. It will quickly help her shift from overthinking and being stuck to activity. To doing something simple to get her back on track.
That’s it. It’s that simple. When you have a team member stuck in her head and overthinking, and you will, because every leader does, use these two strategies.
One, remind yourself that what feels simple for you, or any other team member, may not be what feels simple for her.
Two, ask her one powerful question. “If we’re focused on what you can do that feels simple for you, what is that?”
The next steps are then clear. You have what you need to support her and guide her. You have what you need to be the mentor she needs. Look, her answer can change over time. Right? So keep asking it when it’s timely and be open to her answer being different.
As each emerging leader grows in personal development and success, what she feels is simple for her will also change. With your guidance.
I can’t wait to hear how these strategies make mentorship easier for you.
Click over to Instagram @yourcrazybigdreams and let me know!
I can’t wait to connect!
The best is yet to come. Always.