Hey leaders! We’re here for episode 78! Team goals!
Does your team know what you’re leading them toward?
If not, you’re missing out on connecting with all the people that are driven by being a part of something bigger than themselves.
Team Goals! I know you have goals for your team. For sure volume-business-sales types of goals. You may have other goals like ‘lives changed, groups started, success clubs’ or how many leaders you want to mentor to higher ranks of leadership.
But does your team know any of this?
Have you actually stated to them, “Hey my goal is to help 10 or more of you become “x” level leaders.” Do they know this? Have you actually said the words out loud? And followed it with an invitation?
Have you done this yet? Maybe your business has taken some twists and turns. If you have done this before, maybe it’s time to relaunch this communication around your team and business goals with a fresh intent.
Or maybe you’re new to the success of your leadership role and you’re ready to embrace this inclusive communication about your goals.
Or have you maybe gotten comfortable and thought, of course they know this. I’ve said it before. I’ll let them tell me when they’re ready.
The key difference between a big business boost and a business that is healthy but steady (nothing wrong with that) or a business that may be wavering is when a leader shares their goals with their team. AND also invites potential new leaders to join them. Women who are not currently in the business.
Time and time again I hear from successful, high-achieving leaders that this was a clear and distinct shift in their business. This is when things changed. Business took on a whole different level of success when leaders embraced communicating about their goals differently and didn’t look back.
In a conversation about your work and what you do, it may sound something like “I’m building a mission-based team of fun women. Would you like to join the party?”
And to your existing team, it can be specific. “I’m mentoring ‘6’ women this year to ‘x’ rank or level of success. Would you like to be one of those women?”
Of course, you don’t have to limit it to 6, but it’s a start. And it creates a sense of urgency.
You can also communicate your team goals for volume and business. Even though there will be plenty of women who don’t raise their hand to be one of the leaders you develop, you’ve introduced the idea.
You’ve included them in something bigger themselves. The community of inclusion that you create when sharing what you’re all working toward is powerful! Regardless of what each team member does or what results they produce, you have just unified everyone together by sharing one simple goal.
It’s also powerful to share that every action or result is a significant contribution to this goal. Make sure you encourage and invite everyone to contribute no matter how big or small their efforts or results.
One team member’s small contribution can be another’s large contribution. And you never know who she’ll invite as a customer or business partner that adds big or small contributions towards the goal. Right?! I know you know this.
Many times, however, there are leaders that haven’t connected these dots. Ever. Or it’s been some time. And you wouldn’t be alone in that. No sweat.
This is why we’re here at crazybigdreams. To truly embrace the opportunity that lies right in front of you, regardless of where you’ve been or how long it’s taken you to get where you are.
The beauty of this journey is that it’s not over. Ever. There is always room to grow, develop, learn, and build your confidence in your leadership skills and what you have to offer every woman that comes to you.
So it’s worth it to take a minute. Review the goals you have for your team. Determine which ones you’ll share and how you want to share them. Right now. Today. You can do this now. I’ve always said communication is the number one underutilized tool in every business. And it’s free!
Run take advantage of this one because it’s a game changer! Or a business changer, I should say.
I can’t wait to connect.
The best is yet to come, friends. Always.