Hey friends. It’s Tammy Meyer. Today is episode 93! All about the Direct Sales Leader you want to be.

You’ve likely already become leaps and bounds the leader you maybe never even thought you would become.

You’ve built an impressive organization. Worked super hard. Sacrificed. You didn’t quit?! Right!

And yet you still have crazy big dreams and goals and things you want to accomplish both personally and professionally.

Today I want to get you thinking about the leader you want to be for your team.

The leader that embodies everything you want, and then some.

The leader that grows not just as an individual, but alongside her team as well.

The leader that can dig deep and find that drive again but for a new future.

Are you ready? Because you know I’m going to have some big-thinker questions for you. Crazy big dreamers get big questions and in turn, get to think big.

When you think about the leader that embodies everything you want, and then some, typically most women will think about the areas where they feel they fall short. I hear things like…

“If I could just be more organized.”

“If I did more of the work I did when I first grew my business.”

“If I was more spontaneous and had more fun with my team.”

“If I were more serious and consistent for my team.”

You get the idea. Those traits that kind of weigh on you. That pull your attention for a bit, but in fleeting moments when it doesn’t feel like you can do much about it at the time. Yet it keeps nagging at you. One day, one day you’ll tackle it once and for all.

What about the leader that grows not just as an individual, but alongside her team, as well? This is about having an awareness of the pulse of your organization and the culture that’s been created with and by the people who make up your team.

It’s a delicate balance, I believe, when you work independently for a company, have built a solid, successful organization that YOU lead, and you have volunteers, essentially.

They aren’t employees. They are also independent. Right. So it can be a delicate environment but one you still very much want to know about the culture and the pulse of your organization.

How do you do that? Simply ask. And listen. Put out a poll. Do a Google form. However you work best. Simply ask and listen. But the best way is to get a feel for how activity, choices, and ideas are generated over time. Simply pay attention to these things and notice.   

So here are three big thinker questions. Questions you can ponder or use as journal entries or a topic for your next mastermind group or book club.

Yes, book club. If you haven’t yet listened to episode 22, take a listen for my strategy on the “No book-book club”. You can use these big thinker questions as topics to implement when you listen to episode 22.

Crazy Big Dreamer Question Number One: The leader you want to be, how would she be spending her time differently? In big and small ways?

Crazy Big Dreamer Question Number Two: This leader you want to be…

What 3 traits does she have?

Crazy Big Dreamer Question Number Three: What has she overcome to be the leader she wants to be?  

I know these are big-thinker questions. If you’re on the go, driving while listening, or multitasking while listening today, maybe you need to come back to this episode and listen again when you’re in a space to receive these questions and truly use them for your future success.

Maybe you work best by writing these questions down as journal prompts.

When in search of your answers to these questions, I’m here, as your success strategist to remind you, the leaders that don’t stop growing, the leaders that continue to be curious, to want more, to want to become more both personally and professionally, they find a way.

The answers will come to you. The difficult part is sitting with the questions. It requires trust and dedicated time to work on your business, not just in it.

My hope is that you’ll use this for yourself and then pass it on. Share with a peer, a fellow leader working alongside you, and share it with an emerging leader that you see wonderful potential in.

 Click over to Instagram @yourcrazybigdreams and tag her now.

The best is yet to come, friend. Always.