Hey leaders. It’s Tammy Meyer. Welcome to episode 90!
Today we’re talking about building your unstoppable direct sales team. I love this. Every leader who’s reached the level of success you have can identify when that shift happened in her business.
When you go from ‘this is not about me and my business anymore’ to ‘this is about my team and the women who want more, can have more, and want to do the work’. It’s about so much more than it has been up until this turning point.
Going forward, it’s all about helping these women and more women to see, believe, and experience for themselves what is truly possible.
It drives you now. I know.
Building your unstoppable team, however, is never-ending work. It’s always always a focus. It’s about transferring your belief to her. How do you do that?!
Well, you’re in the right place! Let’s talk about it.
And if you find you would like to take some notes from this episode, awesome! But this, and more specifics on how to go about the 3 steps I’m going to share is in my free guide.
Today is all about step 2 of 4 in my Four Step Success Process. If you haven’t grabbed this free, value-packed guide yet, click over to crazybigdreams.biz/guide.
You’ll get all the details from this episode and more, plus the other 3 steps in my success process. FREE.
To hear me break down step 1 of 4 in my 4-Step Success Process go to episode 89 at crazybigdreams.biz/89.
When You Guess If You’re An Effective Direct Sales Leader
Ok, let’s get into success step 2 Building Your Unstoppable Team. First, know that all leaders take guesses at how they are leading their team.
“Am I giving them what they want? Do they get from me what they need? If they could only be more consistent and understand that those that succeed at this are the ones that simply don’t quit.”
I know. I hear it all the time. You are not alone.
Transfer Belief To Your Direct Sales Team
I’m here to tell you that you can transfer belief to your team. And you have done this and been successful at this in the past. And you’re maybe doing it right now.
For more discussion on this specific topic of transferring your belief grab a listen to episode 15 titled What Direct Sales Leaders Must Know To Help Your Team Members Grow in Their Self-Belief. You can find it at crazybigdreams.biz/15.
Yet there’s more work to do. There are more women to help show the way forward. How do you stay the course and stop guessing?
3 Things You Can Do To Build Your Unstoppable Direct Sales Team
Let’s break it down to 3 things that you can do to help transfer belief to your team.
1. Listen To Your Team. I know. It sounds so basic. So simple. But more often than not I have super eager, ready-to-mentor, ambitious leaders who want to pile on the love with information, training, and education, and…and…and. You get my point.
Sit back and listen. It’s amazing what people will share. They will almost always tell you exactly what they need. You’ll then be much more clear on how to mentor them forward.
My freebie 4-Step Success Process gives a specific subject to use this strategy with and what to listen for.
2. Invite Your Team Forward
What are their specific challenge areas? You can typically narrow this down to 2 or 3 amongst your whole team. And sometimes these are temporary and company-specific when big changes happen. Although temporary, you don’t want to lose people over these issues. Listen. Invite them forward.
What Is Holding Back Your Direct Sales Team?
But first, know what their specific challenges are. If it’s not due to changes your company has made, what is holding your team back? Individually and as a whole?
When I say “Holding them back” it may sound like I’m suggesting you’re not having success. That’s not what I’m implying. You can be successful and yet still be reaching for a big milestone. When was your last big team win? When was your last big team advancement? What’s holding your team back from getting there?
That’s more of what I’m referring to when I ask “What is holding your team back?”
3. Recognize Their Good Decisions
Ah! I love this one. Why? Because it’s positive and it feels really good as a leader to be able to do this for your people. But also because it invites you to truly look for their good decisions.
Good individual decisions that help move her forward and out of her own way and good individual decisions that help benefit the whole team in any way.
There are always amazing ideas out there and your team is holding them. Ask them. Be ready to listen. Be ready to recognize the team members who are making the good decisions.
That’s the easy part and more commonly you’re already doing this. I’m inviting you to identify the specific good decisions being made. Identify one team member and highlight her good decision not only for her but use it as an example for the whole team.
Because there are definitely people out there who could benefit from making this same good decision going forward. It helps them in the long run to keep doing what works and let go of what’s holding them back.
The 4-Step Success Process I’ve created for you breaks all of this down further with strategies. Today I introduced you to step 2 of 4 Building Your Unstoppable Team. You can grab the 4-Step Success Process for free at crazybigdreams.biz/guide which will give you more specifics on this topic of building your unstoppable team. You’ll also have the other 3 success steps.
Here’s the question I will leave you with today to get you thinking and hopefully clicking over to grab that freebie for yourself: What do you think a successful, savvy leader does, or how does she think in order to have an unstoppable team that keeps growing?
Click over to Instagram @yourcrazybigdreams and share. I would love to connect.
The best is yet to come, friend. Always.